5 Tips for Engaging Direct Mail Marketing

By: Andrew Glover
July 25, 2019
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Direct mail is a powerful and valuable marketing method. Due to this fact, most organizations are sending direct mail to their prospects and members. People are receiving a tremendous amount of mail every week. It may feel like an uphill battle finding a way to generate engaging direct mail pieces that stand out from other organizations.

Even though many organizations are using direct mail to reach people, it is still an effective method to interact with current and future members. Printed materials are easy to hold onto and quickly reference for information. The direct mail results are also easy to track and can be evaluated to determine what worked and what didn’t work when starting your next marketing project

With so much competition for donations, you’ll need to take steps to ensure your mailers stand out in a crowded mailbox. Creating engaging, relevant pieces is the best way to guarantee your direct mail will not go unnoticed.

5 Engaging Tips

Sending a generic-looking postcard, or a letter with a long-winded message, is not the best way to grab someone’s attention. You want to grab the recipient’s attention with unique designs and simple communications. Here are some options your organization can use to create engaging direct mail pieces.

Create Eye-Catching Visuals

Attention spans are short, especially when it comes to rifling through the mail. Crisp visuals and powerful messages are more likely to grab the attention of busy readers. You want your mailers to make the reader pause and absorb the information you share with them. Grabbing their attention with eye-catching visuals is an instant way for your marketing to be seen and read.

Keep it Simple

It’s crucial you focus on simple mailers instead of overcomplicated the design. Once you have grabbed the reader’s attention with creative visuals, you want your message to be straightforward. If you provide too much reading, it may result in confusion and misunderstanding from potential donors. Give the receiver a simple, short message that is a quick read and easy to understand. By keeping your message simple, each recipient is more like to process your message with a clear understanding.

Be Creative

Think outside the box. You want your mailers to standout. Brainstorm ideas that you haven’t seen done before. Find ways to grab the attention of your audience and ignite their engagement. Eye-catching photography isn’t the only option. Think of ways to integrate the other four senses. When you find ways to engage multiple senses, you will increase the likelihood that members will remember your message.

Make it Personal and Relevant

Provide a personal and relevant message that helps your organization stand out. You’ll want to spend the extra time necessary to narrow down your target audience. Once you’ve identified your target audience(s) it’s easy to find ways of making your message personal and relevant to them. Without creating this connection, your marketing efforts may be unsuccessful. After all, everyone wants to feel a connection when they receive marketing content, and a personal connection is important to potential membership.

Test and Redefine

Direct mail is highly trackable and that trackability is something you can use to your advantage. By gathering response data, you can determine what is and isn’t working. Based on your findings, don’t be afraid to adjust your techniques. Switch things up and see what works better next time. There’s some trial and error involved and learning from your wins and losses will provide you with more future marketing wins.

Valtim and Engaging Direct Mail

Crafting a creative and engaging direct mail experience can feel like a daunting task. But with the right partner and resources, direct mailers don’t need to feel as challenging as they may seem. You can focus on one step at a time, and the result will be precisely what your organization was striving to achieve.

Valtim can help your organization improve response rates and generate higher levels of engagement through direct mail channels. We can assist you in finding the right audience and then building a marketing offering around the targeted audience. We have many skilled workers who can help make eye-catching artwork. Then we can create a message that is simple and easy to understand for any busy reader. Your mailers will be noticed and valued. With years of experience helping organizations create the perfect marketing campaigns, Valtim can help you construct an engaging direct mail for your members.

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